Shabbaton oktober 9-10
oktober 9 Friday night
Tish: celebrating shabbath with potluck dinner, learning and singing, lead by rabbi Hannah Nathans and chazzan Jalda Rebling
oktober 10 Saturday morning
Shacharit service renewal style, lead by rabbi Hannah en chazzan Jalda
oktober 10 Saturday afternoon
Miniseminar (Her)uitvinden van de Joodse traditie (in dutch)
Rabbi Hannah Nathans, (Re)inventing tradition in halacha and religion
Chazzan Jalda Rebling, ((Re)inventing tradition in chazzanut (with singing)
Rabbi Tamarah Benima, Renewal or erosion, truth or meaning?
Drinks and snacks
Plaats: Amsterdam
Costs: 35 euro
only oktober 9: 10 euro
only oktober 10 : 30 euro
only oktober 10 morning : 10 euro
only oktober 10 afternoon : 25 euro