Introduction Jewish Meditation


From the time of the Torah till today, meditation, next to prayer, has been a way of coming nearer to the Holy One. Meditation also will help you to get more grip on your life, to reach your heart’s  desire with les effort, to deal more effectively with frustrations and to impove your relationships. In this introductory course you will get insight in different forms of Jewish meditation, which we will also practice . If in this introductory course you experience this is something for you, you van participate in a longer and more in depth course Jewish Meditation.

Oktober 4, 8-10 pm

Teacher: rabbi Hannah Nathans

Price: 20 euro

You can register by sending an email to, and transferring the amount  to bank account  NL 80 RABO 0129 9836 59 , Stichting PaRDeS. Please mention ‘Introduction Jewish Meditation’.

